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Belgica De Weerd

The Veterinarian Of Choice For Racing Pigeons

Henk de Weerd offers specialised medical and sport technical guidance for racing pigeons.

Henk de Weerd is an experienced veterinarian who has dedicated his career to providing the best possible care for racing pigeons. He has a deep understanding of the unique medical and sport technical requirements of these birds, and he is committed to helping owners and trainers achieve their goals.

Henk de Weerd offers a wide range of services for racing pigeons, including:

  • Medical check-ups and vaccinations
  • Treatment of injuries and illnesses
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Sport technical guidance

Henk de Weerd is passionate about helping racing pigeons reach their full potential. He is a valuable resource for owners and trainers who are serious about achieving success in the sport.

For more information or to book a consultation, please contact Henk de Weerd at 31 076 - 560 02 22.
